
Monday 28 May 2012

1st Blogaversary Blog candy

I cannot believe that 1 year has passed since I started blogging, I have loved every minute of it and have 'met' some wonderful friends. I have been so lucky to have been asked to join some wonderfully talented DT's.
So as a big thank you to all my wonderful gorgeous followers I have a 1st anniversary blog candy up for grabs.
This will run till Friday 29th June.


be a follower of my blog,

post a picture and link on your blog to spread the word

I say this as its only fair to my loyal followers.

All you need to do is leave me a comment.

so whats in the candy?

2 sets of papermania stamps
tilda with wiola stamp from the lastest magnolia collection
belles and whistles stamp
set of 3 pink promarkers
pack of 10 craftwork cards scalloped edge cards
1 metre each of my favourite laces (4)
cute mini reel of pink bakers twine
pad of the gorgeous scrapcake once upon a time papers
pad of pink paislee papers
pad of Kate Knight papers
cute cupcake pincushion and measuring tape with 10 pearl pins

I am happy to post worldwide.

So it justs leaves me to say a huge heartfelt thank you to everyone of my followers.


Kelly Lloyd said...

WOW thanks for the chance of winning this generous candy Kat..

Have a good weekend.

Hugs Kelly

cheryl said...

oh wow Hun,what amazing candy can't believe its been one year Hun,it only seems,like yesterday,bless you for the chance to win Hun will post this on my side,bar Hugs Cherylxxxxx

alethea said...

Happy Blogaversary Kat!! Can't believe it's only been a year since you started blogging! Have loved coming to visit your blog and seeing your gorgeous creations!! Thank you so much for a chance to win this wonderful candy. HUgsxx

Rina said...

Good Morning Kat!

What delicious candy! I have lost 80 lbs, so I am going to leave your candy alone ((winks)) but know someone is REALLY going to love it!!! Just FYI, I have tried to email you several times and keep getting my emails kicked back to me, can you email me and see if it comes through?



Rene said...

Awesome candy Kat! Good luck to everyone!
Rene :D

nnalorac said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous candy Kat. Happy Blogaversary and here's to many more gorgeous cards from you. Carolxx

Laura Bradley said...

Wow, what a fab pile of candy Kat! So generous offering all this! Love your creations! Laura x

Rach83 said...

Wow Kat, you are really spoiling us with these crafty goodies! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Good luck to everyone.

Rachel x

Maria Therese said...

Yuuumi ♥ Have linked up your candy in my sidebar, not sure if I'm a follower or just have had you in my blog roll. But I will sign up as a follower as soon as blogger let me (he's a bit naughty tonight..)

Ally said...

thanks a million for offering such a wonderful candy, Hunni! So glad I'm no candy hunter LoL! you know I'm following you because I simply adore your creations!
Big hugs, Alessandra

Wendy said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary Kat and thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy.
Wendy xx

Sharon said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary honey. Your work is amazing! I can't believe it is just a year for you. Thanks for your generous candy. Good luck to all who enter. hugs Sharon x

Teresa said...

Gorgeous candy Kat, thank you so much for the chance to win. Off to pop you in my sidebar. Have a lovely weekend. Teresa x

Wenche said...

Lovely candy.

Flowergirl said...

Happy Blogaversary! Thank you for the chance to win your candy X
Have put you on my sidebar x
Wendy x

Leanne said...

Hi! I'm a new follower of your blog. You have some lovely creations here as well as pics of your gorgeous kids. Thanks for the opportunity to win some crafting goodies. ~Leanne

angelwhispers said...

Oh my word Kate what a yummy candy and sooooooooo much your really are a generous lady! Love Chanelle xx

nacine said...

Hello Kat,

I found your blog during my visit of other blog I followed a long time now. It is an fantasitc blog. I love your colorations. I hope I will be so good in future.

Thank you to giving a chance to winning this wonderful candy.



Sazzle said...

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? You've certainly managed to squeeze a lot into those 365 days as well!

Here's to the next celebration and can't wait to see all of your projects in the next 12 months :-)

xx Happy crafting and glittery hugs xx


Kleine85 said...

Hello Kate, first of all congrats to your blog-birthday.

wow, what a great candy!! Thanks so much for having the chance to win. I am already a follower and I linked your candy on my sidebar.

Many hugs, Tanja

Unknown said...

What a humoungous candy! Thank you for throwing my name in the hat :)

Celestial Things

loulou said...

Thankyou for the chance to win some lovely blog candy. Your image colouring and your floral and bling arrangement are just gorgeous.

*Luetten* said...

Hello Kat,

happy 1st blogaversary.
Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.
Have put you on my sidebar.


Sonia said...

Hi Kathleen,I'm your new happy follower:)I found your beautiful blog and your super candy while leaving comments on my friends blogs:)Thanks for the chance to win!I added your candy-image and link on my sidebar. If you visit my blog,I'll very happy and onorate:)
Big hug,

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Kathleen thank you for giving us a chance to win this gorgeous candy, I have posted a picture with your link in my sidebar, congratulations on your blogaversary
Lorraine x

Lynne in NI said...

Wow, fab candy - happy blogaversary!

Unknown said...

Wow kat, ...... what an array of goodies .
Thank you for the chance on your super candy you are in my sidebar.
I can hear your exhitement when I read your posts , its so lovely to heva your talent reccognised .
here's to another happy year Hugs Elaine

sara said...

finally i get to your blog !!! gorgeous looking candy kat omgosh 1st year anniversary so that means we've been friends for a year wow where did that time go !!
big hugs sara x x x

A Casa di Ale said...


Manu said...

Happy blogoversary!!! I'm already a follower, thank you so much for the chance to win your lovely candy! Hugs!

Francesca Miele said...

Hiiii! I've just met your blog and it's wonderful this blog candy!!!Hope I win!!! FELICITYROSE

Lorraine said...

hi hun congrats on your 1st blogaversary it goes so quickly doesn't it lol your candy is amazing i would love to be entered please thanks and have a great day
Lorraine xx

mags said...

Happy Blogaversary. Yummy candy. thanks for the chance to win. I am already a follower of your lovely creations and have posted in my side bar.

Стю said...

Hi! Wonderful candy, I'd like to join! Thank you!

Yulianna said...

Gorgeous candy! Thanks for the chance. I am your new follower. Like your works, hope you'll like my blog too.
P.S. Put link on my sidebar

Venus and Luanne @ Sisters Craft Cafe said...

Happy Blog anniversary Kat. I'm already your follower on my old blog and followed you back from my new blog.
Thanks for the chance on your anniversary giveaway.


Nannieflash said...

Happy Anniversary Kat, Ive popped a picture on my sidebar for you, and thanks for the chance of winning your candy, heres my blog. hugs Shirleyxx

SoniaW said...

Hi Kat, loving the chance to win some fab craft bits.
Fingers crossed x

CraftinGranny said...

Congrats on first anniversary Kat. Hope to be celebrating many more with you sweetie. "Hugs"

Julie's Blog said...

Hi Kat ... Couldn't resist heading over for a chance to win your candy lol ... Congratulations on your 1 year 'blogaversary' ... I look forward to the next year of your creativity ... Julie :D

Lisa Minckler said...

Has it really been a year already? Where in the world did it go??? I just stopped in to see your latest card and my goodness, you are displaying the prettiest candy here. :)
I'm still shaking my head that's already been a year. Well, regardless, it's been a year of amazing inspiration from you!
Hugs to you and I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
I'm off to look at your latest posts.
Lisa xx

Sarahshandmadecardsx said...

Hi Kat congratulations on your 1st anniversary and thanks for the chance to win your amazing candy. I am already a follower and have posted on my sidebar.

Hugs Sarahxx

Sonya said...

What a great giveaway!Thank you for the chance to win!

Marjorie said...

Oh Wow hun...What an amazing achievement in one year, over 200 followers (But that's because we love ya!!) Seriously though, your blog is lovely and your cards are such an inspiration, and I love all your little stories about you and your family that you let us in on from time to time. Plus you always take time to pop in to our blogs and leave us some love too:0) So BIG congrats for your Blogaversary hun!!
Love and Hugs,

MAGDA said...

Hola,tienes un bonito blog y unos trabajos geniales,gracias por el caramelo,unn saludo Magdalena

Shannon83k said...

Some great products. Added your site to my blog. Thanks, Shannon83k

Berry said...

Thanks for the chance at such lovely candy sweetie! Hugs Rebekah xx

Unknown said...

Congrats on your one what an amazing candy lol...whew. you are one amazing lady...glad I found you..x

Barbara said...

Hi Kat, So happy to have found your blog. I am now a new follower but I will return. I just love your style of crafting! I am happy to post your blog candy on my sidebar. I enjoyed reading your bio and am so sad that you lost your dear son. I just can't imagine a loss of this sort. God Bless you. Thank you for the chance to win some awesome blog candy :)I also have blog birthday candy on my blog: Hugs

Kreatives von Andrea said...

Hello Kat, first of all congrats to your blog-birthday.

Your Blog is so amazing and i can find a lot of inspiration her. Your works are so great!A big compliment!

And I'm happy to visit your blog

wow, what a great and wonderful candy!!

Thanks so much for having the chance to win.

I am already a follower and I linked your candy on my sidebar at the top.

Hugs, Andrea

Laney said...

Hi Kat, Fabulous candy hun!! and a big congratulations on your blogaversary!!

Claire Pace Harmsworth said...

Dear Kat, just became a follower of your lovely blog. Fantastic work you have here and I'm glad to be a follower :) thanks for the opportunity - your candy picture is now on my blog

Жана said...

Hello Kat! I am celebrating my 6 months into crafting and blogging soon. I cam across your work and I must say it is fantastic. Thank you for a chance to win this lovely candy.



Sylvie Mathieu said...

Oh waaaaaw ! Thanks for the chance of winning this wonderfuls candy :)))))

rovianne said...

Hi Kat, just found your blog through the yahoogroup. You make great cards. I'll be back again!
Love the candy you're giving away. Some lucky gall who's gonna win that.

Gitte Jensen said...

Hello Kat !! I am a new follower and WOW I like what I see. You are very talented. Hugs Gitte

Laura said...

Hi Kat, I am also one of your new followers :) Your blog is beautiful. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win your lovely candy.
Laura xx

nadox said...

Hello =) thank you so much for the giveaway

i(m your new follower ^^


Nikki said...

Hi Kat

Happy Blogoversary amazing candy. I've linked you up in my sidebar and thanks for the chance I'm a new follower. hugs Nikki C

Hanna - Rebecca " TheMissHaven " said...

Congratz on 1 year :) Hurray !
Thank you for this wonderful chance :)
Hugs Rebecca

Dannii said...

Just found your stunning blog via Craftingallday's sidebar. Such a beautiful array of creations, I will have a proper look through your blog now! And leave some comments.
- Have become a follower
- Added your candy to my sidebar.

Good Luck everyone.

Lili said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! ;)
Thanks so much for this wonderful Candy !!! It's so romantic! I love it! ;)
I'm your new follower and I posted this candy on sidebar of my blog
Thanks ;D
PD:Your cards are wonderful!!!

PJ said...

thankyou so much kat for your beautiful candy !
wish u more of blogoversaries !
God bless
Love ur work !

Unknown said...

Hi Kat,

I came to your blog from Joanna Sheen challenges. Congrats on becoming a designer for their team. You work is beautiful!

Thanks for the opportunity on this candy. Happy Anniversary!


Carol Ric said...

Congrats on being a DT for Joanna Sheen. I am a follower and I have posted on my sidebar and will also post on FBand pinrest.

Ea Christiansen said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary Kat.
Your cards are so lovely and is a huge inspiration.
What nice candy :o)

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Yummy candy,and Happy Blogaversary!

franzesjoi said...

Hi, Kat! im happy to be your new follower.. and glad that i hop on your blog.. im so amaze and delighted in your beautiful creations. i will surely visit your blog daily to get more inspiration from you... how i love your colouring and color combo!

Thank you for the chance to win & posted the sweet candy already! :)

XOXO, franzesjoi

Annie said...

Hi Kat

Gorgeous blog creations, and gorgeous candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win, very generous. Hugs Ann xxx

sallysbitz2 said...

Hello Kat, I am a new follower. I found you via a fellow bloggers blog. I have had a browse through your blog & like what I see. I do hope you will pop on over & visit me too x

Congrats on your 1st blogaversary. Time really does fly by when your having fun x

Thanks for the chance of winning your candy.

hugs sally x

Natalie Z said...

Hi Kat!! Congrats on your 1st blogoversary. I'm your new followers...Your work is stunning!
Thank you so much for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
Hugs Natalie xx

P.S. I have candy too...:)
Welcome to my blog..

LeslieT said...

Love your work, Kat! Thank you so much for the chance to win your awesome candy! I'm a new follower and I have a pic of your candy on my blog in my Candy Bar (left sidebar) with a link back here!

xxcalamityxx said...

Fabulous blog Kat I've put a link in my own very new "baby" blog please come and visit

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

What an awesome candy Kat! Congrats on your 1st year blogoversary! :D I have psoted this in my sidebar too sweetie xx :)

Эльби said...

Присоединяюсь к вам!Замечательная конфетка!

Becky said...

Hi Kat, what a lovely candy you are offering. I have been a follower of yours for a while now and have put pic and linked back in my side bar.
Thank you for the chance.
Becky xx

Elin said...

Great candy. Thank you for the chance to win sweet crafting materials.

lyuda said...

Thanks for the chance at such lovely candy sweetie!

Shilpi Gupta said...

Congratulations Kathleen on your first blog anniversary...Wish you more and more bright years to come...I discovered your blog through a friend's blog and its full of inspirations. Your follower...thanks for a chance to win...My blog is Do stop by and leave me some valuable comments...


Janine said...

Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary. Wow, you've worked hard and achieved so much. Love looking at your work for inspiration.
Thanks so much for the chance to win your fantastic candy.
Hugs, Janine xx

Beverly said...

Hello Kat,

I am a new follower, and so excited to find this chance at some candy...I love sweets!

Thanks a million for the opportunity...

kunda said...

Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary:)

YOur creativity is superlike and so too is ur CANDY...keeping my fingers crossed:)
Have become a follower
Added your candy to my sidebar.

Sarah said...

Happy Blogaversary! Gorgeous candy, linked up to my blog. Thanx for the chance!


Pamela said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. Love your cards, they are gorgeous. Great candy, thank you for the chance.

Pam x

Rosalee said...

Happy Blogaversary Kathleen. You are so generous to be offering this wonderful candy. I would so love to have a chance. I've linked to my sidebar and I'm an old follower. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Anita said...

A fabulous candy. Congratulations on your blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win.

Shari said...

Wow Kat, what amazing candy! Congratulations on your blogaversary!
I am already a follower and I have posted a pic on my sidebar =) Thanks for the chance to win!


Bad Kitty said...

Happy Blogaversary. I am already a follower and I have posted on my sidebar Thanks for the chance to win!

Lionsija said...

Happy Blogaversary,Kathleen!!)) Very sweet candy, thank you for the chance!

Njeri said...

I follow your via RSS and posted the candy on my sidebar.
Congratulations on your anniversary.

mapowska said...

Happy 1st Blogversary! I wish you celebrate many, many more! :)
Thank you very much for your candy!

Regena said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary Kat and thanks for the chance to win your super candy.Linked u on my sidebar..and Im already a follower

Mona`s Bittelille Scrappekrok said...

Hi Kat!

I just came to visit you course i saw one of your cards in the fashionista challenge and i noticed your fabby candy. I found your blog very inpiring and your colouring skills are fabulous, so i will definately come back and visit. I took the liberty of entering your candy drawing as a new follower, lol. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Hugs...Mona

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm already a follower.....


scrapfantazje said...

Happy Blogaversary Kat:)
Thank you very much for your candy!

Margreet said...

Thought I already was your follower, as we are Divas by Design colleagues...thanks for the chance to win that fab candy....congrats on your 1st blogaversary!
xxx Margreet

Татьяна said...

Огромное спасибо за шикарную конфетку

Dorcia said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous candy Kat. Happy Blogaversary!
Thank You from yours Candy!

Martina said...

Congratulations on you Blogaversary!

You create the most stunning things. Keep up the inspiration!

And thanks for the chance for some awsome "candy".

XX Martina

Unknown said...

I'm a newbie, and this candy looks delicious! I'll post tonite!