Hi lovelies, no card to share today I just wanted to pop on and let you know where I have been for the past week.
With Charlie's birthday this week it already was a difficult week for me and I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who left me such caring and lovely words. I had a good old cry when I was reading them, you are all so lovely, I feel very lucky to have such wonderful friends.
The man reason I haven't been around and visiting you is because I have been poorly since the early hours of Wednesday morning. I woke up with a sore throat that as the day progressed, it got so much worse. By 7pm I had to go to the hospital after calling nhs 24. I was seen by a Doctor who diagnosed tonsillitis. She gave me antibiotics and painkillers.
By Thursday morning after a terrible night I awoke to feeling so awful I couldn't get out of bed, I had a fever, vomiting, sore ear, swollen neck due to swollen glands, chills etc.
My hubby came home from work and took me to the doctor again, she was concerned my throat was so swollen I could barely swallow plus she wanted to do checks to make sure it wasn't meningitis. She was worried that the spots on my throat would get worse and that I would need to admitted into hospital. I said i didnt want to go just yet and she gave me 6 (!) different meds to take to fight the infection.
So I am feeling better gradually day by day but still not quite back to my normal self. Just getting tired very easily.
But I do have some wonderful news to share with you, I got an email on Friday that cheered me up so much I burst into tears! (happy ones lol)
The email was from the lovely Karen at MDUC asking me if I wanted to stay on as a permanent DT member after my 2 months as GDT.
As many of you will know I am a huge fan of their challenges and I tried to enter as often as I could, So my my answer was a resounding YES PLEASE!!!!
So I am happy to announce I am part on the Magnolia Down Under family.
Huge thank yous go to Karen, Kylie and Debbie P, you made my week XXX
Hopefully I will get around to visit you all soon