Hi lovelies, I hope you are all well.
Well that's my lot on school holidays for the next 8 weeks, hopefully we will get some nice weather soon, pleeeaase!! The thought of being stuck in the house all the time doesn't appeal very much!!
Meghan had a fantastic time at Alton Towers, only problem was the rain, thunder and lightning! but she was one very tired girl when she came home, she didn't know what way was up, bless her! (It was funny tho!!)
OK well let me warn you now, I have posts to publish every day till Wednesday I think so you may get sick of me by then! LOL
I will hopefully get the pics of meghans prizegiving off my iphone soon and share them with you all.
Ok the main reason for me being is to share my GDT card for MDUC with you. This weeks theme is one of my all time favs,
Now I don't know about you, but whenever I think of shabby chic, the colours pale green, pale pink and white and cream come to mind along with ditsy floral's
So that is exactly what I went with LOL!!
Card Recipe
image - rose garden Tilda
papers - prima, sparkling spring
flowers - Wild Orchid crafts and Creative treasures
ribbon - local fabric shop
resin frame - Melissa Frances
lace, pearls and butterfly all from stash
I have drawn the winner of my blogaversary candy, so make sure you check to see if its you!!